Ensure the following occur:
Ensure sufficiently long and random session identifiers are used Generate a new session identifier: If a session was established before login, and successful login has occurred When changing from HTTP to HTTPS When re-authenticating Periodically otherwise. See SM 7 for session termination on logging out.
John can predict or guess session identifiers because they are not changed when the user's role alters (e.g. pre and post authentication) and when switching between non-encrypted and encrypted communications, or are not sufficiently long and random, or are not changed periodically
Owasp ASVS (4.0): 3.2.1 ,3.2.2 ,3.2.4 ,3.3.1
Capec: 31
Owasp SCP: 60,62,66,67,71,72
Owasp Appsensor: SE4-6
Safecode: 28
ASVS V3.2 - Session Binding Requirements
ASVS V3.3 - Session Logout and Timeout Requirements
Password Guessing/Brute Force Attacks
Session Hijacking (Man-in-the-Middle)
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