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Cryptography 5

Cryptographic function errors always need to result in rejection. It is also useful to log (associated with the user's identity if possible) and flag these as possibly malicious activity for further analysis, or as input for application intrusion detection systems.

NB: Unlike other cards in this suit, CR 5 assumes that cryptographic functions are in place, however they do not correctly respond to errors.

How to play?

Kyle can bypass cryptographic controls because they do not fail securely (i.e. they default to unprotected)


Owasp ASVS (4.0): 1.9.1 ,6.2.1 ,9.1.3 ,9.2.2


Owasp SCP: 103,145

Owasp Appsensor:

Safecode: 21,29

ASVS (4.0) Cheatsheetseries Index

ASVS V1.9 - Communications Architectural Requirements

ASVS V6.2 - Algorithms

ASVS V9.1 - Communications Security Requirements

ASVS V9.2 - Server Communications Security Requirements


Password Guessing/Brute Force Attacks

Insider Threats

Session Hijacking (Man-in-the-Middle)

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OWASP Cornucopia is originally created by Colin Watson. It is open source and can be downloaded free of charge from the OWASP website. It is is free to use. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license, so you can copy, distribute and transmit the work, and you can adapt it, and use it commercially, but all provided that you attribute the work and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. OWASP does not endorse or recommend commercial products or services. OWASP Cornucopia is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license and is © 2012-2016 OWASP Foundation.