Data may be use encryption in transit like Transport Layer Security (TLS). However, an attacker may have legitimate access to this (e.g. viewing SSL content in a web browser). Consider whether the data transmitted also needs to be encrypted itself, not just sent using an encrypted protocol.
Paulo can access data in transit that is not encrypted, even though the channel is encrypted
Owasp ASVS (4.0): 6.1.1 ,8.3.4 ,9.1.1
Owasp SCP: 37,88,143,214
Owasp Appsensor:
Safecode: 14,29,30
ASVS V6.1 - Data Classification
ASVS V8.3 - Sensitive Private Data
ASVS V9.1 - Communications Security Requirements
Session Hijacking (Man-in-the-Middle)
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