The degree of identity assurance may not be the same for all web application functions. Or the authentication function may be available in a weaker manner in some other mode or channel, thus compromising the web application.
The key concept for this card is inconsistent authentication. See AT J for missing authentication, AT K for changing the executing authentication code, and other cards in this suit for individual authentication issues (e.g. missing notification, inadequate password protection, enumeration, weak account management, weak use of temporary passwords, bypass, missing re-authetication, etc).
Jaime can bypass authentication because it is not enforced with equal rigor for all types of authentication functionality (e.g. register, password change, password recovery, log out, administration) or across all versions/channels (e.g. mobile website, mobile app, full website, API, call centre)
Owasp ASVS (4.0): 1.4.3 ,1.4.5 ,2.5.6 ,2.5.7
Owasp SCP: 23,29,42,49
Owasp Appsensor:
Safecode: 14,28
ASVS V1.4 - Access Control Architectural Requirements
ASVS V2.5 - Credential Recovery Requirements
Password Guessing/Brute Force Attacks
Session Hijacking (Man-in-the-Middle)
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